[frame src=”https://curtbramble.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Bramble_Feature_GunRights_630x2001.png” width=”630″ height=”200″ lightbox=”on” ]
[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#0d3f7c” background=”#dcdddd”]T[/dropcap]hroughout his career as a citizen legislator, Senator Bramble has fought for the right to bear arms. He is “A” rated by the National Rifle Association and is a concealed carry permit holder. Gun ownership is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution, and Curt Bramble will defend Americans’ right to own firearms and protect their own property.

Sponsored Legislation

  • SB 103: Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Amendments
  • HB 117: Firearm Modifications
  • HB 49 Substitute: Firearms Revisions